Author: <span>Kenio Carvalho</span>

Previously, unless you used special parameters, running IBM Installation Manager to apply a cumulative fix would both update the Portal product files and simultaneously configure the Portal profile. With the new procedure, Installation Manager will now only update the product files, and you will be required to run a pair of separate commands to configure the profile. Before now, the additional commands were required in certain situations; now they will be required in all upgrade cases.

See the complete information on this link


This release is the tenth IBM Notes Domino 9.0.1 version of the XPages Extension Library(ExtLib) to OpenNTF.

It contains several new enhancements as well as some bug fixes. The following new changes have been added to this release:

Responsive Web Design Support in XPages
Enhanced Application Layout Wizard
Enhancements to the theme combo boxes in the Xsp Properties editor
SPR Fixes
The intention of this release is to continue the improvement of the 9.0.1 OpenNTF ExtLib release .


For more than 12 years now, the .NET framework has been the programming model for developers who want to build apps for Windows. But in its efforts to take many of its developer tools cross-platform, Microsoft today announced that it plans to take .NET to both the Mac and Linux soon and that it is open-sourcing most of the full server-side .NET core stack (not client-side .NET), starting with the next version.

Full article here


Firefox is turning 10 today and to celebrate, Mozilla is launching a couple of new projects today, including a new privacy initiative and the Firefox Developer Edition, a new version of Firefox that puts the browser’s developer tools front and center.


 I never bothered with the names of servers that appeared in Open Application Dialog Application until now.

A customer ask how to remove the server names but without loose the desktop.dsk.

After a search on the subject i found a solution.

1 – Download the desktool utility from IBM and put the file on the Notes program directory
2 – Shutdown the Notes client.
3 – Create a script to delete the files. It is a txt file with the following :

Delete ServerName/Organization

If you want to delete several servers create several lines with the server names.

4 – Run the command  dsktool [filename ] -I  -R



A customer askme last week if the we separate WCM code from content has impact  on WCM/Portal performance.

My answer was No, there is no impact but the customer need an official response.  I opened a PMR and receive the response today :

As noted, the WCM best practices are to separate the content from the design.
For example, see the following link:

Multiple libraries does not incur additional performance penalties since references are by UUID, which is independent of library.


The IBM Notes Traveler client for Android devices allows the end user to connect to their Traveler server over HTTPS (using SSL) or the open HTTP standard. At present, the client application does not explicitly warn the end user if the Traveler administrator has chosen the insecure HTTP variant as the transport medium.

See the complete information on this IBM TechNote


IBM Notes and Domino 9.0.1 Fix Pack 2 as well as 8.5.3 Fix Pack 5/Fix Pack 6 fixes are available for the Java issues disclosed in the Oracle July 2014 Critical Patch Update.

Read more details in this TN


This technote contains questions and answers pertaining to installing and running IBM Notes on Apple’s OS X 10.10.x Yosemite.

You only need to download Notes 9.0.1, as mentioned, if you will install a fresh yosemite.

I upgraded my Mavericks yesterday and only need to install the legacy Apple java. My Notes was on the FP2 level.
