The Configuration Comparison Tool (CCT) is a lightweight wsadmin script and Python report generation script which will produce HTML reports on configuration settings for the following types of resources.
- Application Servers
- Node Agents
- Global Security configuration (not Domain Security)
- Trust Association (Global and Domain)
- SSL Configurations
- Data Sources
- J2C Resource Adapters
- JDBC Drivers
- Object Cache instances
- Servlet Cache instances
- Service Integration Bus instances
- Resource Environment Providers
- Resource Environment Entries
- File system comparisons
CCT usage scenarios:
- Isolating configuration creep: Periodic configuration snapshots can be gathered and archived. These can be used to see what configuration changes that have been made over time.
- Troubleshooting inconsistent cluster member configuration: Servers and node/server specific resource configuration anomalies can causes unexpected runtime behavior from different servers within a cluster.
- Assisting in migration to a new version of WebSphere: Cross version configuration reports can help ensure a complete migration of server and resource settings.
More information on this IBM Technote
A webcast is scheduled to September 12 about this tool
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