This technote provides information on common issues affecting users who have upgraded to IBM Verse 9.4 for Android.
This technote provides information on common issues affecting users who have upgraded to IBM Verse 9.4 for Android.
I found today two documents (presentations) from IBM that contain:
Daily Administration and Monitoring activities of Notes Traveler Server
Quick Information about different kinds of Notes Traveler logs
Understanding Notes Traveler logs (SystemDump & UserDump)
Demonstration on log analysis to resolve Traveler issues
Links :
I use the cmd + M keyboard shortcut every time i need to create a new memo on my IBM Notes. Yesterday this keyboard stopped working.
I looked at the status bar while pressing cmd +m and saw he message :
“You must first add your mail file mail/kcarvalho.nsf to the workspace”.
But my mail box icon was on the workspace.
The solution:
Yesterday i moved my mail box from mail folder to mail2 folder and add the icon to the workspace, but the location was not updated.
Change the location to mail2\kcarvalho.nsf the keyboard shortcut works fine again 🙂
You can use the NOTES.INI setting LOGSTATUSBAR=1 to enable logging of status bar messages to the local log file, LOG.NSF. To view the logged messages, open the file, LOG.NSF, and then click the Miscellaneous Events view. Status bar messages are appended with “Status Msg.”
To write the status bar messages to an external file, use the NOTES.INI setting Debug_Outfile=<path to file> with the NOTES.INI setting LOGSTATUSBAR=1. For example:
This can be done using an agent that is run by an ID that has access and delete rights to all the mail files on the server. The email will have the same Universal ID(UNID) in all of the mail files. This will allow you to get a handle on that particular email. The example code below gets a handle to the People view of the server’s name and address book. From the person document, it obtains the mail file for the user and then opens the mail file, locates the email and removes it.
The first step is to locate the UNID. This can be found by bringing up the document properties for the email you want to remove and looking at the beanie tab:
The UNID will be the 32 characters on the first 2 lines without the OF from the first line and the ON from the second line. Also, do not include the colon : on the 2 lines. So, the UNID for the above screen shot would be – EF883FE6FC7A14D185257F8E005D7D7D
The following code is an example that can be used to accomplish this. Please note that this code is provided as an example only. IBM support will not be able to modify or customize this agent. A version of this agent will need to be run on all mail servers in your environment. It can be set to run as a scheduled agent or via action menu selection. The target in both the scheduled version and action menu selection should be set to None
Sub Initialize
Dim s As New NotesSession
Dim perdoc As NotesDocument
Dim pview As NotesView
Dim mailDB As NotesDatabase
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim strServerName As String
Dim doc As NotesDocument
On Error Resume next
‘Set the strServerName variable to point to your server name
strServerName = “YourServer/YourDomain”
Set db = s.Getdatabase(strServerName, “Names.nsf”, False)
Set pview = db.GetView(“($People)”)
Set perdoc = pview.GetFirstdocument
While Not perdoc Is Nothing
Set maildb = s.Getdatabase(strServerName, perdoc.Getitemvalue(“mailFIle”)(0), False)
If Not maildb Is Nothing Then
Set doc = maildb.Getdocumentbyunid(“<Target document UNID goes here>”)
If Not doc Is Nothing Then
Call doc.Removepermanently(True)
End If
End If
Set perdoc = pview.Getnextdocument(perdoc)
End Sub
I found the information above on
This week i am working with TDI to sync MS AD and Domino. There are several ways to sync this two ldap servers.
Searching on the web on how can i generate hundreds user accounts on the MS AD test server, i found LDIF Generator.
This little java code generate a LDIF file and you can import using, for example, the Apache Directory Studio.
This open mic presentation has 40 tips on the mail routing subject.
This behavior is related to an intentional change in Java6SR16FP20 to tighten security by disabling the MD5 algorithm by default in latest JVM release. The Domino Server Controller, however, currently requires MD5. IBM is investigating a solution to leverage a more secure cipher for the Domino Server Controller (a.k.a. Domino Java Console). This issue is tracked as SPR# RSSNA6UU79.
Read the complete IBM Technote here
I found this article today.
It covers the fundamentals of Domino Replication and options for troubleshooting common issues.
1. Introduction
2. Elements of Replication
3. Creating and Deleting Replicas
4. Running Replication
5. Replication Configurations
6. Other Areas of Replication
7. Logging and Debug options.
8. Troubleshooting
Today i receive an mail with this article.
Some administration features that are available in an on-premises Lotus Domino environment are unavailable, are implemented differently, or have limitations within the SmartCloud Notes service.
It is very important to know this differences.