Author: <span>Kenio Carvalho</span>

The document in read mode opens like this bellow (I am using an Xpage to show the document content). In this Xpage i have one editbox and one combobox.

Image:Custom renderer for Combobox in read mode
If you open in edit mode you get this
Image:Custom renderer for Combobox in read mode
Se examinar o fonte da página veremos que o campo combobox foi renderizado como um texto e tabelas

Looking on the source of the page (document in read mode) the combobox field was rendered like a string  with a table

Image:Custom renderer for Combobox in read mode

Em modo edição o campo é renderizado como um elemento select:

The source of edit mode the combobox field was rendered as a select.

Image:Custom renderer for Combobox in read mode

The chalenge: Create a more consistent view of the combobox element when the document is open in read mode.

The Solution:

Attention ->   I don´t know if this is the best solution but it works.

I create a class to modify the rendering of the combo box a custom renderer (based on this blog post).
When the document is opened in edit mode the class render the input field and when in edit mode it render the combobox.

The custom renderer  code:

Image:Custom renderer for Combobox in read mode
When i open the document in read mode i get this:

Image:Custom renderer for Combobox in read mode


As the administrator, you can  use a setting in the Mail settings policy document to list by name any web sites you want to trust to show images in client users’ MIME mail messages. The setting creates exceptions to the Notes client preference To ensure privacy, do not show remote images without my permission (under File > Preferences > Mail > Internet setting) .

The new policy setting enforces exceptions for any websites you enter. The client user’s mail prevents display of images in messages from all but the trusted sites.

To enable the exception (“whitelist”) for images, create a mail policy settings document, and on the Basics tab, enter as many website addresses (URLs) as you want to trust under Image Security in the field List of trusted websites for images in MIME messages. For example, enter


I opened a PMR last week asking IBM why drag and drop a file to a folder is not working when i use Windows Explorer.

Bellow the answer.

The MS desktop plugins do not currently support dragging directly to a folder.  Files must first be created on the server (by adding to Files) and then they can be added to folders.  Connections folders are not containers – they are collections of files that live elsewhere.

Already logged as a story for future consideration:  MS Desktop: Ability to DND a file directly to a personal/community folder (LC 112847)


It is a common task on every WebSphere Portal setup.

Redirect the root “/” of the IBM HTTP Server to the context of WebSphere Portal ( /wps/portal)

Put the bellow lines on the httpd.conf and restart the IBM HTTP Server before the line of the WebSphere Plugin.

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/$
Rewriterule ^(.*)$ [L,R=301]


This video show how to setup IBM Worklight Studio


Learn how to configure and use the IBM Directory Change analyzer, which scans the Server Document and Configuration document in a Domino Directory, and reports what had changed, and who made the change, with timestamps.

More information here


Information is circulating describing a method called “Heartbleed,” which exploits a vulnerability caused by a design error in OpenSSL. This technote provides confirmation that IBM Notes and Domino are not susceptible to the Heartbleed attack

For more information see this TN from IBM


Yesterday i was updating a portal V8.0.0.1 CF5 to CF10 and the CF10 failed.

I restore the full backup of the file system but  i got the following :

 Erro durante a fase “configurar pós-instalação”:
 Excluindo arquivos de C:IBMWebSpherePortalServerwcmprereq.wcm
   Falha ao excluir C:IBMWebSpherePortalServerwcmprereq.wcmwcmsharedappilwwcm-api-impl.jar
 java.lang.Exception: ConfigTask CONFIG-WP-PTF-CF failed.
 CRIMA1020E: Falha ao extrair zip prereq.wcm  O arquivo C:IBMWebSpherePortalServerwcmprereq.wcmwcmsharedappilwwcm-api-impl.jar já existe.
 java.lang.Exception: ConfigTask UNCONFIG-WP-PTF-CF failed.

I found that some things was left on the ProgramData.

Solution: Restore the ProgramData folder and run the CF10 setup again.


Yesterday i was on a customer site and all Portal Servers are installed on Windows Servers. The language settings are set using policies and the logs are in Brazilian Portuguese. Too bad for troubleshooting.
So i change the language to English using the following:

Append the following to the existing value for the property “Generic JVM arguments”: -Duser.language=xx -Duser.region=YY

where xx and YY values are dependent upon the desired language.

For English US the values are bellow

-Duser.language=en -Duser.region=US


ATLUG’s Day of Champions event is being held on Monday April 7 in Atlanta. Registrations are now open for an event that provides the unique opportunity to attend 26 separate presentations in a single stream all on the one day. That’s right, 26 separate presentations from a wide range of experts, almost all of whom are from the local Atlanta region.
