A good document on how setup SSO between connections and other IBM products.
Author: <span>Kenio Carvalho</span>
Here in Brazil we are known by first name. The Domino Directory only lists people using Last Name, First Name.
I know is not a good idea to change Domino Directory but users are very confused to work with Last Name , First Name.
So i change some views (column name) on the Domino Directory and change the person name order to First Name Last Name
For reference you can read the article Personal names around the world
DisplayPersonName := @Trim(@Implode(@Trim(@Subset(FirstName; 1) : MiddleInitial:@Subset(LastName; 1)); ” “));
DisplayName := @If(DisplayPersonName = “”; @Subset(FullName; 1); @Trim(DisplayPersonName:@Name([Abbreviate];AltFullName)));
@Name([Abbreviate]; DisplayName)
DisplayPersonName := @Trim(@If(Type = “Person”; @Implode(@Trim(@Subset(FirstName; 1) : MiddleInitial : @Subset(LastName; 1)); ” “); “”):AltFullName);
DisplayName := @If(Type = “Group”; @Subset(ListName; 1); Type=”Server”;ServerName;@If(DisplayPersonName = “”; @Subset(FullName; 1); DisplayPersonName));
@Name([Abbreviate]; DisplayName)
DisplayPersonName := @Trim(@If(Type = “Person”; @Implode(@Trim(@Subset(FirstName; 1) : MiddleInitial: @Subset(LastName; 1)); ” “); “”):@Name([CN];AltFullName));
DisplayName := @If(Type = “Group”; @Subset(ListName; 1); Type=”Server”;ServerName;@If(DisplayPersonName = “”; @Subset(FullName; 1); DisplayPersonName));
@Name([Abbreviate]; DisplayName)
DisplayPersonName := @If(Type = “Person”; @Implode(@Trim(@Subset(FirstName; 1) : MiddleInitial : @Subset(LastName; 1)); ” “); “”);
DisplayName := @If(Type = “Group”; @Subset(ListName; 1);Type=”Server”;Servername; @If(DisplayPersonName = “”; @Subset(FullName; 1); DisplayPersonName));
@Trim(@If(JobTitle!=””;JobTitle + ” “;””)+ (@Name([Abbreviate]; DisplayName)) + @If(AltName=@True;” (“+@Name([Abbreviate];AltFullName)+”)”;””))
From my inbox today
The past week has been very productive and exciting. I worked with two engineers from RedPill which are very famous in the community of ICS and IBM also Champions.
This week I was totally immersed in a process of modernization of Notes/Domino applications that really impressed everybody, as much as for the customer, which has one of the highest Notes/Domino installations in the world.
The numbers are impressive, both in number of users, servers and applications. In a week we have created 200+ Notes applications that are now available for mobile devices.
Take a look on what RedPill can do for modernizing Notes/Domino applications
Thank you Nathan Freeman and Peter Presnell for an amazing week working together.
When trying to create the initial index for Global Search from the Homepage server, the index update fails with an error.
To prevent further problems with indexing, perform a search in the Profiles database for any null entries in the table EMPINST.EMPLOYEE.
select * from EMPINST.EMPLOYEE If any entries are returned they must be updated with an entry in the display name column for the Profiles feature to index successfully. To prevent this issue from occurring, change the value of PROF_DISPLAY_NAME=256 in the validate_dbrepos_fields.properties file, to contain the following: PROF_DISPLAY_NAME=(x != null) && (x.length() > 0) && (x.length() <= 256) Then repopulate the peopledb database. This will cause any name that contains a null value in the Prof_Display_Name field to fail initially when you populate the profiles database. |
TN1321806 |
Notes Traveler users using BlackBerry 10 devices must delete and recreate their BlackBerry 10 Notes Traveler account on the device when the Notes Traveler server is upgraded from to or later to ensure maximum compatibility.
NOTE: This is required only if the device had previously been connected to a Notes Traveler server. No action is required if setting up a new or later server or if connecting a new device to an existing server. The BlackBerry 10 maintenance level introduced a severe issue when syncing with IBM Notes Traveler Using this version of the BlackBerry 10 calendar synchronization client, any update that a BB10 user makes to a repeating meeting will corrupt the meeting on the Domino server. Calendar sequence numbers for the meeting are inadvertently reset to 1, which will prevent any further updates or reschedules to the meeting by the meeting owner (subsequent updates will be seen as being out of date, so attendees will not be able to apply these updates to their calendar). As a workaround for this device issue, IBM recommends that you upgrade IBM Notes Traveler servers to version Interim Fix 1 or later. For a download link and fix list for Notes Traveler Interim Fix 1, see technote 1648195. The issue does not occur when BlackBerry 10 devices running maintenance level have provisioned their IBM Notes Traveler account against Notes Traveler or later. However, BlackBerry 10 devices at this fix level provisioned against an earlier version of the server will still exhibit this behavior. The only known workaround is to remove the existing IBM Notes Traveler account on the device, and then add it back. Both the upgrade of the IBM Notes Traveler server and the removal of the IBM Notes Traveler account on the BB10 device are required to avoid this problem. For questions or additional information regarding users activated on BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10, contact BlackBerry Support directly. If the IBM Notes Traveler account on the BB10 device has never connected to a IBM Notes Traveler server level prior to, then the above problem and fix do not apply. |
From TN1648847
How should I start tuning WebSphere portal Server for better performance ?
This tuning guide provides details about the parameters that you can tune to improve portal performance. This guide serves as a very good starting point to start portal tuning process before production usage.
Performance tuning guide for WebSphere portal on IBM i
This document discusses additional performance tuning recommendations that is specific to running WebSphere Portal on the IBM i platform. The focus is more on platform level recommendations unique to the IBM i and are minimally discussed in the above guide.
Monitoring Performance in a WebSphere Portal environment
To tune your WebSphere Portal environment for optimal performance, you need to know what needs tuning. The monitoring methods discussed in this article cover several key areas of WebSphere Portal. They help you to view the true behavior of your WebSphere Portal environment and ultimately identify bottlenecks and potential problems. This article is meant to be an overview of monitoring methods rather than an in-depth look at any specific methods.
IBM WebSphere Portal performance testing and analysis
Finding and fixing performance problems in a production environment is challenging on a number of levels. Optimally, most bottlenecks in the system should be found and fixed before the system is allowed into production. This article explains a tested process that can ensure that, with high probability, most of the significant performance issues are found and addressed before you promote a system to production.
IBM WebSphere portal performance considerations for custom portal code
This article provides general guidance for creating well performing custom code for IBM WebSphere Portal. Custom code does not only refer to portlets (although they are the most common programming model for portals), but also includes code for WebSphere Portal themes and skins.
Performance management tools for IBM WebSphere Portal
This article describes the tools and how they were used to evaluate an IBM WebSphere Portal 7.0 performance and/or problem determination issue during a recent engagement at a customer site.
WebSphere Portal Performance Troubleshooting Guide
This document is intended as a guide for resolving performance problems in IBM WebSphere Portal V5.1 or later.
How to set an appropriate number of Portal Datasource connections in WebSphere Portal
For a given maximum number of Portal WebContainer threads set, what should I set my maximum Portal datasource connections to? This is important parameter and may lead to portal hang if not tuned correctly.
WebSphere Portal Server and Dynacache Replication(DRS) issues
This technote discusses some common issues observed with a WebSphere Portal server cluster having performance, memory issues, and HAManager/DRS exceptions. The cache replication suggestions are also valid for portal version 7.0.x.x.
Transfer files between machines is easy using Filezilla Client.
But if you don´t have a graphical interface you need to know some commands.
You can use sftp or ftp
I am configuring a Centos 6.3 box and need to setup a fixed IP.
Above the steps
## Configure eth0
# vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
NAME="System eth0"
## Configure Default Gateway
# vi /etc/sysconfig/network
## Restart Network Interface
/etc/init.d/network restart
## Configure DNS Server
# vi /etc/resolv.conf
nameserver # Replace with your nameserver ip
nameserver # Replace with your nameserver ip
There are three options:
About IBM Lotus Notes
— In Notes, select Help -> About IBM Lotus Notes
— Click the “Configuration Details” button and look for the following line
java.runtime.version=pwi3260sr12ifx-20121108_01 (SR12)
Issue “java -version” command
— In Command Prompt, navigate to
— Issue the command java -version
— The output should appear as follows:
java version “1.6.0”
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build pwi3260sr12ifix-20121108_01(SR12+IV31417))
IBM J9 VM (build 2.4, JRE 1.6.0 IBM J9 2.4 Windows 7 x86-32 jvmwi3260sr12-20121024_126067 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)
J9VM – 20121024_126067
JIT – r9_20120914_26057
GC – 20120928_AA)
JCL – 20121108_01
Note : If you do not issue “java -version” from within the
— In Notes select Tools -> Show Java Debug Console
there you can enter commands in the upper part of the debug-window
v -> version
h -> help