What are the Lotus Notes/Lotus Domino naming conventions and standards?
Maximum length
Valid character
Organization Certifier Name | 3 to 64 characters (recommended limit is 32 characters if possible) | A – Z, 0 – 9, -. _ ‘ (dash, period, space, underscore, and apostrophe)
See Note below. |
Organization Unit Certifier Name | 64 characters | A – Z, 0 – 9, -. _ ‘ (dash, period, space, underscore, and apostrophe)
See Note below. |
Country Code | 0 or 2 characters | A – Z |
Password: Organization ————-> OU ————————–> Server/User ————–> | 32 characters at least 12 (recommended) to 32 63 characters | A – Z, 0 – 9, & -. _ ‘ (ampersand, dash, period, space, underscore, and apostrophe) |
Server Name | 59 characters | A – Z, 0 – 9, & – ‘ (ampersand, dash, space, and apostrophe)
Using a space is not recommended but if you use one, enter the Server Name in quotes (“”) when you enter a command set at the server console. Do not use periods (.) or underscores (_) in Domino Server names because of the current BIND server code 8.1.2. DNS standards demoted underscores in host names.* *See Note below. |
Notes Network Name | 31 characters
Refer to Document #1096391 for additional information. | A – Z, 0 – 9, -, _ (a space is also a valid character) |
Notes Port Name | 31 characters | A – Z, 0 – 9, -, _ |
User First Name + User Last Name | Must not be greater than 80 characters | A – Z, 0 – 9, & -. _ ‘ (ampersand, dash, period, space, underscore, and apostrophe) |
User Middle Initial | 2 characters | A – Z, 0 – 9, & -. _ ‘ (ampersand, dash, period, space, underscore, and apostrophe) |
Notes Domain Name | 31 characters (minimum of 3) | A – Z, 0 – 9, & – _ ‘ (ampersand, dash, space, underscore, and apostrophe)
Do not use periods (.) in a domain name as they are reserved characters. |
Server Title | Colon “:”, Cannot be used in a server title. |
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