Will be available on June 24
WebSphere® Application Server V9.0, with its traditional and Liberty run times, continues to offer industry-leading, production-ready, standards-based Java™ EE 7 compliant architecture.
Highlights of Version 9.0 include:
- Certification to the Java EE 7 Web Profile and Java EE 7 Full Platform for WebSphere Application Server traditional, which provides assurance that applications leverage standards-compliant programming models. WebSphere Liberty was certified to Java EE 7 Web Profile and Full Platform in June, 2015.
- Ease of connecting existing on-premises applications with Bluemix® services, which include IBM Watson™ cognitive for optimal business outcomes.
- Enhanced support for creating, documenting, and discovering APIs, and also integrating with API platforms, such as IBM API Connect™.
- Significant improvements in software delivery lifecycle times through seamless integration into DevOps workflows. This enables continuous delivery and removes cross-team dependencies for deployment.
- Accelerated pace of development and deployment by taking advantage of container technology that includes IBM® Container Services and Docker container with support for Docker Data Center. This enables seamless deployment of WebSphere applications to best meet business needs.
- Increased flexibility to deploy WebSphere Application Server workloads with speed and agility on Pivotal Cloud Foundry, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft™ Azure, and Openshift, in addition to IBM Bluemix.
- New WebSphere Application Server on Bluemix, single-tenant offering, which provides an option for deploying WebSphere Application Server applications on an isolated, single-tenant hardware.
- New option to enable VMware customers to quickly provision new or scale existing workloads to the IBM Cloud. This enables clients who start locally and scale globally with cloud capabilities to scale more easily and also comply with data residency and other regulatory mandates.
- Updated WebSphere Extreme Scale that provides ease-of-use enhancements for caching to help improve response times for the most demanding applications and dramatically speed configurations.
- Use of Liberty App Accelerator to provide a quick start development of Java microservices. Spring Boot, Watson™ services, and other technologies can be used with Liberty App Accelerator to easily deploy projects to Bluemix.
- Best practices for creating new Java microservices by using Game On!, an exemplar application, which helps explore microservices concepts.
WebSphere Application Server V9.0 continues to offer the leading, open-standards-based application foundation for traditional workloads and also modern applications that tend to be delivered as services. It enables accelerated delivery of innovative applications with unmatched operational efficiency, reliability, administration, security, and control.
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