Verificar se um cluster Domino está todo “sincronizado” é trabalhoso. Existe uma ferramenta para analisar o cluster no Domino Administrator mas se um relatório mais detalhado for necessário a ferramenta não disponibiliza.
Achei um código que gera uma planilha, comparando os diretórios de dois servidores. As informações dos bancos de dados podem ser facilmente trocadas.
O script analisa, basicamente informações importantes para servidores de correio em cluster.
O código está abaixo pode ser colocado em um agente ou botão. Para evitar erros de acesso é bom executar como Full Administrator.
Sub Initialize
On Error Resume Next
Dim session As New notessession
Dim Sdbdirectory As NotesDbDirectory
Dim Sdb As NotesDatabase
Dim Sfilepath As String
Dim Ddbdirectory As NotesDbDirectory
Dim Ddb As NotesDatabase
Dim SrcServ As String
Dim DestServ As String
Dim rows As Long
Dim maxcols As Integer
SrcServ=Inputbox$(“Please enter the Source Server”,”Tools”,”Source Server”)
DestServ=Inputbox$(“Please enter the Destination Server”,”Tools”,”Destination server”)
Sfilepath=Inputbox$(“Please provide the folder path on source which needs to be checked e.g. mail or databases”,”Tools”,”mail”)
‘excel variable initialization
Set xlApp = CreateObject(“Excel.Application”)
‘start Excel with OLE Automation
xlApp.StatusBar = “Creating WorkSheet. Please be patient…”
xlApp.Visible = True
xlApp.ReferenceStyle = 2
Set xlsheet = xlApp.Workbooks(1). Worksheets(1) ‘select first worksheet
‘worksheet title
xlApp.StatusBar = “Creating Column Heading. Please be patient…”
xlsheet.Cells(rows,1).value=”Database File ”
xlsheet.Cells(rows,3).value=”Mail Size (MB)”
xlsheet.Cells(rows,4).value=”Mail Quota (MB)”
xlsheet.Cells(rows,5).value=”Warning Threshold (MB)”
xlsheet.Cells(rows,6).value=”Mail Size (MB)”
xlsheet.Cells(rows,7).value=”Mail Quota (MB)”
xlsheet.Cells(rows,8).value=”Warning Threshold (MB)”
Set Sdbdirectory=session.GetDbDirectory(SrcServ)
Set Ddbdirectory=session.GetDbDirectory(DestServ)
Set Sdb=Sdbdirectory.GetFirstDatabase(DATABASE)
While Not Sdb Is Nothing
tmpFilename= Strleftback(Sdb.FilePath,””)
If tmpFilename=Sfilepath Then
Set Ddb=New notesdatabase(“”,””)
flag DDb.OpenByReplicaID(DestServ,repid)
If flag=True Then
xlsheet.Cells(rows,1).Value = Sdb.FileName
xlsheet.Cells(rows,2).Value =”‘”+ Sdb.Title
xlsheet.Cells(rows,3).Value =(Sdb.size/1000000)
xlsheet.Cells(rows,4).Value =Sdb.SizeQuota/1024
xlsheet.Cells(rows,5).Value =sdb.SizeWarning/1024
xlsheet.Cells(rows,6).Value =(Ddb.size/1000000)
xlsheet.Cells(rows,7).Value =Ddb.SizeQuota/1024
xlsheet.Cells(rows,8).Value =Ddb.SizeWarning/1024
xlApp.StatusBar = “Importing Notes Data – Document ” & rows-1
Set DDb=Nothing
xlsheet.Cells(rows,1).Value = Sdb.FileName
xlsheet.Cells(rows,2).Value =”‘”+ Sdb.Title
xlsheet.Cells(rows,3).Value =(Sdb.size/1000000)
xlsheet.Cells(rows,4).Value =Sdb.SizeQuota/1024
xlsheet.Cells(rows,5).Value =sdb.SizeWarning/1024
xlsheet.Cells(rows,6).Value =”Missing on destination server”
xlApp.StatusBar = “Importing Notes Data – Document ” & rows-1
End If
End If
Set Sdb=Sdbdirectory.GetNextDatabase()
xlApp.Selection.Font.Bold = True
xlApp.Selection.Font.Underline = True
xlApp.Selection.Font.Name = “Arial”
xlApp.Selection.Font.Size = 9
With xlApp.Worksheets(1)
.PageSetup.Orientation = 2
.PageSetup.centerheader = “Report – Confidential”
.Pagesetup.RightFooter = “Page &P” & Chr$(13) & “Date: &D”
Pagesetup.CenterFooter = “”
End With
xlApp.ReferenceStyle = 1
xlApp.Range(“A1”).SelectxlApp.StatusBar = “Importing Data from Lotus Notes Application was Completed.”
Set xlapp=Nothing ‘stop OLE
Set db=Nothing
End Sub
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