Updating an old laptop from Windows 7 to Windows 10

Yesterday i start to format my old Samsung RF511 laptop. I restore the Windows 7 from Samsung recovery utility. Windows 7 was outdated and i try to update to Windows 10.

The update hangs on 99% . I leave the laptop turned on overnight and this morning it was on 99%.  I google a bit and found some solutions for the problem like disable antivirus, administrator permissions etc.

I start the process again, recovery from Samsung utility, but this time i start the Windows update to get some updates for Windows 7.

It was a good decision but with a big headache :-). Windows update looks for updates forever and not stop to search.  The solution for this problem was WSUS Offline.

I ran WSUS offline and update the Windows 7 and after several reboots i start the update to Windows 10 with success.

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