Unable to login to any applications after installing IBM Connections 4.5.

This error was throw CLFRQ0221E: Reference to directory services could not be retrieved.

Take the following steps to resolve this issue:

1. Login to the ISC.
2. Navigate to Security -> Global Security -> Single sign-on (SSO).
3. If “Interoperability Mode” is enabled, then you must specify the case-sensitive default names of “LtpaToken” and “LtpaToken2” for the
“LTPA V1 cookie name” and “LTPA V2 cookie name” fields respectively.
4. Synchronize the nodes & restart Connections.

[*Please note that the Help tips for these fields contain the incorrect case of “LTPAToken” and “LTPAToken2”.
See screenshots:

Image:Unable to login to any applications after installing IBM Connections 4.5.

Image:Unable to login to any applications after installing IBM Connections 4.5.

This defect is documented in the following APAR, which is due to be fixed in WAS FixPack

The information is from TN 1635025

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