Importing packages in Jupyter notebooks and avoid ImportError

“ImportError: No module named tensorflow” but you know you installed it? Sometimes you can import packages from the console, but not from the Jupyter notebook? !pip install tensorflow sometimes just does not work?

Googling about similar issues made me realise people are suggesting the thing that won’t work most of the time.

If you are installing packages by running

!conda install tensorflow
# or if you want to use pip
!pip install tensorflow

you are using very fragile commands (if run in notebook) and that’s the reason packages you installed can’t be imported. It is not fine this time

Instead, use these commands:

import sys
!conda install --yes --prefix {sys.prefix} tensorflow
# or if you want to use pip
!{sys.executable} -m pip install tensorflow

and you will not have problems with damn ImportError again.

Found this information on this link

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