IBM XPages DatabaseName URL Parameter Whitelist

In IBM Notes/Domino 9.0.1 FixPack 4 and in releases containing the fix for SPR#MKEE9TKDEM, you may see an error page with the following error message:

CLFAD0382E: The databaseName URL parameter value is not one of the allowed database names. The parameter is &databaseName=otherserver!!app.nsf.

The allowed names are configured in the option
There has been a change in the XPages default behavior, that now requires that the allowable databaseNames be configured in a whitelist. The white list is an option that lists allowed databaseNames. Where the whitelist has not been configured, the error above will occur for remote applications (i.e., applications that are not on the current server). There is an option to revert to the previous behavior but there are security implications associated with that decision.

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