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IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced that for the fourth consecutive year, IDC ranked IBM number one in worldwide market share for enterprise social software.
Social networking adoption continues to soar as businesses look to transform their organization into a smarter enterprise that is capable of empowering a global workforce and transforming client experiences.
According to IDC, the worldwide enterprise social market segment reached 1.0 billion in 2012, representing growth of 25 percent over 2011.*
Please help us share this news with your networks. I have provided additional assets below, including Alistair Rennie’s blog on Social Business Insights which just went live and several client videos that are featured in the infographic and press release.
This news is based on the just released IDC Worldwide Semiannual Software Tracker.
IDC will publish an analysis at a later date – therefore there is no link to share to IDC today. We will let you know as soon as that report is available.
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