HTML signature on iNotes

Today i found a solution for a customer migrating from Exchange to Domino/SmartCloud. He want to add signature using html on iNotes

You can use HTML within a iNotes signature by encapsulating all HTML tags within brackets [ ] to mark the text as pass-thru HTML.

If you use an image, the file must exist on a Web server that the iNotes client can access. For example, you can store the image within the domino/html directory of the Domino server and reference the image using the Web address such as http:// /

What follows is an example of HTML code to display a signature with a corporate logo:
[ <html><b>John Doe</b><br><i>Example Corp, Inc.<br>[email protected]</i><img src=””></img></html> ]

(Please note: There should be no spaces after the open bracket “[” or before the close bracket “]”. Spaces have been intentionally added to the above block of text in order to allow it to display correctly on the web, instead of being treated as pass-thru html.)

I add the html code using the field Simple Text and mark the Include signature…. as a simple text.

The information above is from this IBM TechNote



  1. steven podrouzek said:

    A client dropped EXCHANGE and went to Domino/SmartCloud?!? How did you get that right? Talk about going against what’s popular. All I read is how clients are dropping Domino and going to Office365. I am impressed!

    • Kenio Carvalho said:

      We are migrating 5K users from Exchange to Domino/Smartcloud. Was a big deal for us here. The project is on the go. IBM Brazil and my company work’s hard and win the deal.

      • steven podrouzek said:

        Well done to you guys Kenio. I honestly think that you should post WHY this company went this route. What was the selling point? This may help others to get customers to consider changing as well.

        • Kenio Carvalho said:

          The response to the WHY has several answers but the principal was the price/user.


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