Often occurs with the removal of a user and her name stay in groups.
I created a simple agent to list groups with this kind of member.
The abent above is simple and can be improved.
Sub Initialize
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim docUser As NotesDocument
Dim viewGroup As NotesView
Dim viewPeople As Notesview
Dim ses As New NotesSession
Dim members As NotesItem
Dim UserName As NotesName
Dim fileNum As Integer
Dim fileName As String
Set db = ses.currentdatabase
Set viewGroup = db.getview(“$VIMGroups”)
Set viewPeople = db.getview(“$VIMPeople”)
Set doc = viewGroup.getfirstdocument
fileNum% = FreeFile()
fileName$ = “c:group.txt”
Open fileName$ For Output As fileNum%
While Not doc Is Nothing
If doc.members(0)<>“” then
Set members = doc.getfirstitem(“members”)
ForAll v In members.Values
Set UserName = New NotesName( v)
Set docuser = viewpeople.getdocumentbykey(username.abbreviated,True)
if docuser Is Nothing then
Print #fileNum%,UserName.Abbreviated & “,” & doc.ListName(0)
End if
End ForAll
End if
Set doc = viewGroup.getnextdocument(doc)
Close fileNum%
End Sub
Searching for detais about an adminp process api documentation, i found an article on DeveloperWorks about a more improved tool to manage groups. I don’t have time to test or learn the functions but the article is here. The code of this article was on the dead SandBox, but you can search and download using this link
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