Category: <span>WebSphere Portal</span>

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Connections Domino Notes WebSphere Portal

The Configuration Comparison Tool (CCT) is a lightweight wsadmin script and Python report generation script which will produce HTML reports on configuration settings for the following types of resources.

  • Application Servers
  • Node Agents
  • Global Security configuration (not Domain Security)
  • Trust Association (Global and Domain)
  • SSL Configurations
  • Data Sources
  • J2C Resource Adapters
  • JDBC Drivers
  • Object Cache instances
  • Servlet Cache instances
  • Service Integration Bus instances
  • Resource Environment Providers
  • Resource Environment Entries
  • File system comparisons

CCT usage scenarios:

  • Isolating configuration creep: Periodic configuration snapshots can be gathered and archived. These can be used to see what configuration changes that have been made over time.
  • Troubleshooting inconsistent cluster member configuration: Servers and node/server specific resource configuration anomalies can causes unexpected runtime behavior from different servers within a cluster.
  • Assisting in migration to a new version of WebSphere: Cross version configuration reports can help ensure a complete migration of server and resource settings.

More information on this IBM Technote

A webcast is scheduled to September 12 about this tool

WebSphere WebSphere Portal

In the next week Digital Experience products:

• WebSphere Portal
• Web Content Manager
• Digital Experience Patterns
• Digital Experience on Cloud
• Forms Experience Builder
• Forms Experience Builder on Cloud

will use the new IBM Support Community support portal. The interface is clean and you can search for fixes, open Cases (not PMR’s anymore) and talk with Watson on  a chat screen.

WebSphere Portal

Several weeks ago a customer launch his new WebSphere Portal after  migrating from WPS 7.0.  We change the database server from Db2 to Oracle RAC but…

WebSphere Portal has support for Oracle RAC.  We ask the Oracle DBA team for the connection URL and he sent an URL like this one:


The url for Oracle RAC is like this one:


Using Oracle One Node we have only one active instance.  From Oracle i found this description for Oracle RAC One Node

“The main difference between Oracle RAC One Node and Oracle RAC is that with an Oracle RAC One Node
Database, there is only one instance running at a time under normal operation. Should this one instance be
impacted by unplanned downtime, there is a short period of time during which no database instance is running.
The stack used for Oracle RAC One Node ensures that the database service will be resumed as fast as possible,
but technically and as with any other failover cluster solution, there is a moment of time, during which no instance of
the Oracle RAC One Node Database is available to perform any work. This would not be the case in a multi-node
Oracle RAC system, because multiple instances are already running concurrently, accessing the same database.
For planned downtime Oracle RAC One Node provides a solution superior to any other failover solution on the
market; “Online Database Relocation”. Online Database Relocation is an Oracle RAC One Node-specific feature
that enables an Oracle RAC One Node database instance to be relocated to another server in the cluster without
interrupting the database service. In an Oracle RAC database this feature is not required, as databases instances
are typically running on multiple servers in the cluster already. Relocating a running Oracle RAC database instance
is unnecessary.”

Until last week everithing was fine until the Oracle node fails and switch to the second instance. The switch took more than 20 minutes and the entire WebSphere Portal hung.

We must restart all cluster nodes on WPS.  The 20 minutes time was not spected for the Oracle team and they found a bug and apply a fix provided by Oracle. The “normal” time = 3 minutes.  This is more than the WPS can support.

We open an PMR asking IBM how the WPS can recover from this situation without a reboot and the answer was:

“Oracle RAC One Node” is not explicitly supported by Portal. However I suppose this is transparent for Portal in the sense
that it should operate as usual.”

Portal works well until a failure.

“To your question regarding recovery of Portal if the database is available again: If the database is available again, Portal would connect to the database. However, Portal makes heavy use of caching. If the database is not available for a longer time, it can be that during error handling of requests coming in during this time, some Portal caches come into a state where recovery is difficult or even impossible after the database is available again.
If you are Portal Cache Viewer portlet is available on your system and if this portlet is still available after the database is operational
again, you could try to clear all caches.”

And finally IBM told that this is an unsupported setup.

“Our general approach regarding unsupported environments is that if a customer reports problems when using Portal in an unsupported setup, we will try to fix this problem if the problem is not related to the unsupported setup. This is especially true if the problem can be reproduced by the customer on a supported environment. “

Conclusion: Oracle RAC is for HA and supported by IBM.  Oracle RAC One Node is for FAIL OVER and is not supported by IBM.

WebSphere Portal

In the web server plug-in, what do the LoadBalanceWeight, MaxConnections, ConnectTimeout, ServerIOTimeout, RetryInterval, IgnoreAffinityRequests, and GetDWLMTable options mean and what are the recommended settings for these options

To understand how load balancing works in the web server plug-in, see Understanding IBM HTTP Server plug-in Load Balancing in a clustered environment.

To understand how fail-over works in the web server plug-in, see Understanding HTTP plug-in failover in a clustered environment.

LoadBalanceWeight is a starting “weight”. The value is dynamically changed by the plug-in during runtime. The “weight” of a server (or clone) is lowered each time a request is assigned to that clone. When all weights for all servers drop to 0 or below, the plug-in has to readjust all of the weights so that they are above 0. Using a starting value of only 2 (default), means that the weights will get to 0 very quickly and the plug-in will constantly be readjusting the weights. Therefore, It is recommended to start with a higher LoadBalanceWeight. The IBM WebSphere Application Server administrative console will allow a value up to 20 for this. However, it is certainly possible to manually edit the plugin-cfg.xml file and specify some other value for LoadBalanceWeight that is higher than 20.

Note: At runtime, the LoadBalanceWeight of each appserver in a cluster are normalized by their highest common factor. For example, 100, 90, 80 have a common factor of 10. So, these configured weights would be divided by 10 at runtime, resulting in actual starting weights of only 10, 9, 8. Setting all clones to the same starting LoadBalanceWeight (for example: 20, 20, 20) will result in an actual starting weight of only 1 for each, because of normalization. So, it is recommended to set the weight of at least one of the clones to be off by a value of 1. For example, if there are 3 clones, you might choose the starting LoadBalanceWeights to be: 20, 20, 19. After normalization the weights will be unchanged.
Recommended values = all clones the same, except one clone off by one (for example: 20, 20, 19)

MaxConnections is used to gauge when a server is “starting to become overwhelmed”. It is not used to determine when to fail-over (mark the server “down”). When a request is sent from the plug-in to the WAS appserver, it is called a “PendingRequest”, until the response comes back. If the application running in WebSphere Application Server is handling requests quickly, each request will only be PENDING for a very short time. So, under ideal conditions, MaxConnections is not needed and therefore the default is (-1) meaning unlimited. However, sometimes an application may start to become overwhelmed and the application may not be able to handle the requests as quickly. Consequently Pending Requests start to build up. MaxConnections can be used to put a limit on the number of PENDING requests per server. When the MaxConnections limit is reached, the plug-in will stop sending requests to that appserver, but it is not marked down. The optimal value for MaxConnections will depend on how quickly the application and appserver respond to each request. If normal responses are returned in less than one second, it may be appropriate to set a low value for MaxConnections, like 20 or so. However, if it normally takes several seconds to get a response from the application, then it would be prudent to use a higher value for MaxConnections, like 100. Please note that if the MaxConnections limit has been reached the plug-in will not send ANY more requests to that server until responses come back for the current PENDING requests, and the pendingRequests count drops back down below the MaxConnections limit.
Recommended value = 20 – 100 depending on application response times

*Best Practices: with MaxConnections=”-1″ use LogLevel=”Stats” to monitor the pendingRequests numbers in the plug-in log, under normal conditions. Then, choose a value for MaxConnections that is significantly higher than the highest number shown in the log. This method will help you to determine a MaxConnections value that is right for your specific environment.

ConnectTimeout means “how long should the plug-in wait when trying to open a socket to the Application Server”? If there are streams already open and available to the Application Server, the plug-in will use one of those. However, sometimes the plug-in needs to open a new stream to the Application Server. That should not take very long, so the value for ConnectTimeout should be very small. A ConnectTimeout value of 0 means never time-out. In that case, the time-out is left up to the OS TCP layer, which is NOT ideal. It is much better to specify a small positive number (like 5 seconds).
Recommended value = 5

ServerIOTimeout means “how long should the plug-in wait for a response from the application”. After the socket is opened, the plug-in sends the request to the Application Server. The application processes the request and a response is sent back to the client, through the plug-in. How long should that take? What is reasonable, based on the application? There is no single correct answer here. It depends on the application. If the application is very quick to respond, then you can use a lower value for ServerIOTimeout. However, if the application requires more time to process the request (maybe to retrieve data from a database), then you should use a higher number for ServerIOTimeout. Using a value of 0 means that the plug-in will NOT time-out the request. This is often NOT ideal. A positive value means that the plug-in will NOT mark the appserver down after a ServerIOTimeout pops. So, if you want the plug-in to continue sending requests to the timed-out appserver, use a positive value. On the other hand, a negative value means that the plug-in WILL mark the appserver down after a ServerIOTimeout pops. So, if you want the plug-in to immediately mark the appserver down and fail-over to another appserver in the same cluster, use a negative value.
Recommended value = -900 (that is negative 900)

Note: The ability to use a negative ServerIOTimeout value was introduced in plug-in apar PK72097.

*Best Practices: use traces to determine the amount of time it takes for your application to respond to requests under normal conditions. Be sure to include the longest running requests that take the most time to respond. Then choose a value for ServerIOTimeout that is much larger (2X or 3X or more) than the longest response time. This method will ensure that your ServerIOTimeout is high enough to allow adequate time for the application to respond normally. Make it a negative value so that if the ServerIOTimeout pops, the plug-in will immediately mark the server down, and retry the request to a different appserver.

ServerIOTimeoutRetry can be used to decrease the number of retries after ServerIOTimeout has fired. By default, the Plug-in will try a request equal to the number of members in the cluster. For example, if the cluster has four members, and there is a ServerIOTimeout, the Plug-in will try it a second time. If the retry fails with ServerIOTimeout fired, then it will try a third time, and a fourth time if needed. But after four attempts, the Plug-in will give up and stop retrying. If you want to override this default behavior and reduce the number of retries after ServerIOTimeout, you can set ServerIOTimeoutRetry to a value that is less than the number of members in the cluster.
Recommended value = -1 (this is the default)

Note: This property was introduced by Plug-in apar PM70559.

RetryInterval is the time that the plug-in will wait before trying again to use an appserver that was marked down. The optimal value for RetryInterval depends on the number of appservers in the cluster, and the value used for ServerIOTimeout. You can use the following formula to determine the maximum RetryInterval value for your plug-in config:

(number of appservers in cluster – 1) x (absolute ServerIOTimeout) – 1

For example, if there are two appservers in the cluster, and the value of ServerIOTimeout is -900, then the maximum RetryInterval setting would be:
(2 – 1) x (900) – 1 = 899 seconds or less

Another example, if there are four appservers in the cluster, and the value of ServerIOTimeout is -900, then the maximum RetryInterval setting would be:
(4 – 1) x (900) -1 = 2699 seconds or less

Warning: Setting RetryInterval to a value higher than the recommended maximum, based on the formula above, can lead to an undesirable situation where all of the appservers in the cluster may be marked down simultaneously resulting in all requests temporarily failing.
Recommended value = 60 (this is the default)

Affinity requests are requests that contain a session cookie (ie. JSESSIONID). The session cookie is set by the Session Manager in WAS to ensure that all subsequent requests from the same client return to the same app server in the cluster. The session cookie contains the clone ID (or partition ID) of that specific app server. The web server Plug-in will look for the session cookie and use the clone ID to send the request to that specific WAS app server. An affinity request is not load balanced.

In the plug-in config there is a property called IgnoreAffinityRequests. This property determines if affinity requests will affect the load balance weights, or not. The default value for IgnoreAffinityRequests is True, which means that affinity requests will not have any affect on the load balance weights. This is best for environments where there are no, or few, affinity requests. On the other hand, for an environment with a lot of affinity requests, it may be better to set IgnoreAffinityRequests to False so that the load balance weights will accurately reflect the effect of having a lot of affinity requests.

Fail-over occurs when the plug-in marks a cluster member appserver (or clone) as “down”, and then sends the pending requests to other members of the same cluster. This can happen if the plug-in is unable to open a new connection to the appserver within the ConnectTimeout. Or fail-over can happen if the plug-in has already sent the request to the appserver, but does not receive a response from the application within ServerIOTimeout. When the plug-in marks a cluster member appserver “down”, it will handle the PENDING requests in one of two ways: Prior to plug-in apar PM12112, the plug-in would send all of the pending requests to the very next appserver in the cluster. However, after plug-in apar PM12112, the plug-in will randomly send the pending requests to any of the available appservers in the cluster. While the appserver is marked “down” the plug-in will no longer send any requests to it. After RetryInterval the plug-in will check to see if that appserver can be used successfully again. If so, the “down” flag will be removed and the appserver will be used again.

Note: By default, the number of attempts to handle a request is limited by the number of appservers in the cluster. For example, if there are only two appservers in the cluster, and the request fails once, the plug-in will only attempt that request one more time (total of two attempts). Or another example, if there are five appservers in the same cluster, and the request fails once, then the plug-in will attempt to retry that same request up to four more times (total of five attempts). That number includes retries sent to the same appserver (session affinity), or attempts sent to different appservers (fail-over).

Update: The plug-in apar PM70559 introduced a new setting called “ServerIOTimeoutRetry” that can be used to control the number of retries due to ServerIOTimeout.

If Memory-to-Memory (M2M) session replication is enabled in WebSphere Application Server, then the GetDWLMTable setting in the plug-in config must be changed to “true”. Memory-to-Memory replication uses partition IDs rather than clone IDs. This can lead to broken session affinity if GetDWLMTable is set to false (which is the default). So it is very important to set GetDWLMTable=”true” whenever using M2M in WebSphere Application Server.
Recommendation = GetDWLMTable=”true” whenever M2M is used in WebSphere Application Server.

Each web server child process loads a separate instance of the web server plug-in. And multiple running instances of the web server plug-in do not share information with each other. For example if the IBM HTTP Server web server is configured to start 3 child processes (StartServers 3), then there will be 3 instances of the web server plug-in running (one for each IBM HTTP Server child process). The dynamically changing LoadBalanceWeight of each cluster member is not shared between the plug-in instances. So, in one instance of the plug-in “member1” might be considered UP with a weight of 5, when in another instance of the plug-in “member1” might be considered DOWN and unusable. This can result in possibly different behaviors depending on which child process / plug-in instance handles each incoming request. For this reason it is recommended that you should configure the web server to use only a few web server child processes with many threads on each. See Tuning IBM HTTP Server to maximize the number of client connections to WebSphere Application Server.

If you choose to use more than one web server child process, keep in mind that the plug-in settings are handled on a per instance basis. For example, MaxConnections means the number of pending requests that will be allowed on that server, for each plug-in instance. If MaxConnections = 20, and there are 3 web server child processes (3 plug-in instances), then each instance will allow 20 pending connections to that Application Server for a total of 60 pending connections.


WebSphere WebSphere Portal

If you migrated from Version, the default portal behavior was to log you out when you switched from a protected to unprotected URI. In Version 8.5, the default behavior is to keep you logged in. If you do not want to get logged out, you can enable the Version 8.5 default behavior.


  1. Access the WebSphere® Integrated Solutions Console.
  2. Go to Resources > Resource Environment > Resource Environment Providers.
  3. Click WP ConfigService.
  4. Click Custom Properties under the Additional Properties heading.
  5. Locate the logout.user.onpublic property and change the value to false.
  6. Click Apply.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Go to Security > Global security > Web and SIP security > General settings.
  9. Select Use available authentication data when an unprotected URI is accessed.
  10. Click Apply.
  11. Click Save.
  12. If you are using a stand-alone environment, restart the server. If you are using a cluster environment, synchronize the nodes, and then restart the servers.

WebSphere Portal

In the last month I was researching how to install WebSphere Portal 8.5 in a container (Docker). Due to my commitments couldn’t finish the installation.

Today I found an article that makes the installation WebSphere Portal 9 using a container.

See the full article here

Get the DockerFiles on github ->

docker WebSphere Portal

XML external entity (XXE) security vulnerabilities in Apache FOP and Apache Batik affect IBM WebSphere Portal.

Apache FOP could allow a remote authenticated attacker to obtain sensitive information, caused by an XML external entity (XXE) error when processing XML data. By using a specially-crafted SVG file. A remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to obtain sensitive information or possibly cause a denial of service.

Read the security buletin here

WebSphere Portal

Documents for collecting troubleshooting data for IBM WebSphere Portal 8.5 and 9.0 aid in problem determination and save time resolving Problem Management Records (PMRs).

The following data collection documents contain instructions for specific components or scenarios. The wpcollector tool can be leveraged with such instructions to gather and optionally send the data. If one of the product components or scenarios below matches your symptom or the part of the product with which you are experiencing problems, follow the instructions in the associated data collection document.


Component: Link:
General 1962321
Installation 1962645
XML Configuration Interface (XMLAccess) 1451423
ConfigEngine 1968713
Configuration Wizard 1963901
Migration 1963147
Runtime Operations:
OutOfMemoryError 1316563
Crash 1316516
Performance, hang, or high CPU issues 1316528
Configuring Security 1593369
Login (including Impersonation) 1592791
Portal User Management Architecture (PUMA) 1592792
Virtual Portal 1593367
Session Management 1579527
Tivoli Access Manager Integration 1579530
Computer Associates eTrust Siteminder Integration 1243923
Step-up and Remember Me 1377161
People Finder 1458362
Credential Vault 1313734
Portal Access Control (PAC) 1450830
Directory Search / People Picker 1966956
Outbound HTTP Connection 1998965
Content Management:
Web Content Manager 1673017
Managed Pages 1960989
Syndication 1989372
Modular-based Themes 1616359
Web Application Bridge (WAB) 1647465
JavaServer Faces (JSF) 1198110
Mobile Portal Accelerator 1673323
Struts Portlet Framework 1468819
Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) 1468821
Common PIM Portlets (CPP) 1468956
Remote Cache 1468824
Script Portlet 1690618
WebDAV 1497122


portal WebSphere Portal

WebSphere Portal V8.0.x will be out of service  on April 30 2018.

Its time to plan the migration to 8.5 or 9.0

More information

WebSphere Portal