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Category: <span>Datacenter</span>
Iniciei a migração definitiva para o DATACENTER. Contratamos as máquinas e a instalação começou.
Primeiro problema: Instalação do Domino 8.0.2 em uma máquina Windows. Não era para ser problema mas….
O pessoal do DATACENTER configurou o Windows 2003 com o DEP. O que me deixou espantado foi que na mesma máquina eu instalei um DB2 e não tive problemas. Desabiblitei o DEP e a instalação seguiu corretamente.
O segundo problema foi com o Linux mesmo. Estmos usando CENTOS 5.2 com Domino 8.0.2.
O problema surge quando se inicia o instalador do Domino, ele aborta sem mensagens de erro ao iniciar a JVM. O problema estava relacionado com o modo de montagem do diretório /tmp do linux.
Foram colocados parâmetros que nao permitiam que o instalador executasse código no diretório /tmp. O problema e a solução são descritos no TN 1295755
The standard install log files such as nuish.err and DominoInstall.og are not useful in this scenario. You can use the following command to generate an output log file for troubleshooting:
> ./install -is:log /tmp/mylog.txt
The mylog.txt file contained the following error message for this case:
“file name: ibm_linux_142sr8.bin
ERROR: Invalid bundled JVM. Missing ‘jvm’ file.”
From this error, you can narrow the investigation to the temporary Java that the installer extracts to /tmp. The administrator confirmed that there was ample free space in /tmp and that the Java extract was complete. You can confirm free space with this command:
> df -k /tmp
The administrator also confirmed that the permission on the /tmp directory was correctly set to 1777. To check permission, use the following command:
> ls -ald /tmp
The root cause was identified after checking the mount options for the /tmp file system. The administrator discovered that the noexec and nosuid options were enabled. The options were set as part of the hardening procedure for the operating system. You can use the following command to check the mount options:
> mount
(Note that this command lists all the file systems that are configured in the /etc/fstab system configuration file. Thus, you need to locate the /tmp file system entry and verify the option in the fourth field.)
noexec is defined as = Do not allow execution of any binaries on the mounted file system. This option might be useful for a server that has file systems containing binaries for architectures other than its own.
To resolve the problem, edit the /etc/fstab file and remove the noexec and nosuid options for /tmp. You should reboot the operating system to allow the /tmp filesystem to be remounted without the options.