Category: <span>Comunidade</span>
For professionals who bill on an hourly basis—lawyers, accountants, and so on—time tracking is a critical part of the billing process.
A time-tracking tool that allows them to easily enter work hours and obtain summary reports at the end of the week or month is of critical importance.
In this tutorial, you will see the process of building a simple time-tracking tool and deploying it on IBM Cloud.
Yesterday IBM announced the IBM 2017 Champions for Collaboration Solutions.
I wasn’t nominated in the past year for ICS but was for Middleware.
I would also like to thank everyone who nominated me for IBM Champion for ICS 2017.
I am honored and happy to return as IBM Champion for ICS
The complete list of IBM Champions for ICS 2017 is here
A IBM criou uma nova comunidade chamada My ceveloperWorks utilizando o Lotus Connections. Muito interessante.
Já criei o meu profile lá, e estarei colocando também algumas coisas.
Para quem se interessar basta ir na página com as instruções