Author: <span>Kenio Carvalho</span>


LDAP filters consist of one or more criteria. If one than more criterion exist in one filter definition, they can be concatenated by logical AND or OR operators.

AND Operation:
(& (…K1…) (…K2…)) or with more than two criteria:(&(…K1…)(…K2…)(…K3…)(…K4…))

OR Operation:
(| (…K1…)(…K2…)) or with more than two criteria:(|(…K1…)(…K2…)(…K3…)(…K4…))

Nested Operation:

Every AND/OR operation can also be understood as a single criterion:

(|(& (…K1…)(…K2…))(&(…K3…)(…K4…))) means:(K1 AND K2) OR (K3 AND K4)

The search criteria consist of a requirement for an LDAP attribute, e.g. (givenName=Sandra). Following rules should be considered:

Equality:         (attribute=abc)      , e.g. (&(objectclass=user)(displayName=Foeckeler)
Negation:         (!(attribute=abc))   , e.g. (!objectClass=group)
Presence:         (attribute=*)        , e.g. (mailNickName=*)
Absence:         (!(attribute=*))     , e.g. (!proxyAddresses=*)
Greater than:         (attribute>=abc) , e.g. (mdbStorageQuota>=100000)
Less than:         (attribute<=abc)     , e.g. (mdbStorageQuota<=100000)
Proximity:         (attribute~=abc)     , e.g. (displayName~=Foeckeler) Caution: ~= is treated as = in ADS environments !!
Wildcards:         e.g. (sn=F*) or (mail=* or (givenName=*Paul*)

More information


I made some VM´s using Windows 2008 R2 one year ago.  I forgot the admin password.

I follow this steps to  recover:

  • Boot from the Micrsoft Windows Server 2008 DVD
  • From the Install Windows menu, click “Nextâ€�.
  • Select â€œRepair your computerâ€�
  • In the System Recovery Options, select the Operating System instance that you wish to repair and click â€œNextâ€�.
  • Select “Command Promptâ€�. The
  • At the command prompt, run the following commands:
    cd windowssystem32
    ren Utilman.exe Utilman.exe.old
    copy cmd.exe Utilman.exe
  • Reboot the server allowing Windows to load as normal
  • At the logon screen, press Windows Key + U.
  • As the command prompt, enter the following command:
    net user administrator


There are two known issues related to WCM with the CF4 installation for WebSphere Portal v8.0.0.1.

1.The CF4 installation fails if the Portal URI has been changed.  
2. If you have disabled automatic syndication, it is re-enabled after CF4 installation completes.  

ssue #1 – The CF4 installation fails during the post-install-configure step “CONFIG-WP-PTF-CF” if you have changed the Portal URI to something other than the default /wps.  The failure occurs during the sub-script ‘run-wcm-admin-task’ here:

     [echo] VirtualPortalContext =  , VirtualPortalHost =
     [echo] Initialized: host  vpContext
     [echo] To call ConfigModuleClient: host  vpContext
[ConfigModuleClient] Connecting to login address: customp://
[ConfigModuleClient] Connecting to task address: customp:// with user name: uid=wpsadmin,o=defaultWIMFileBasedRealm
[ConfigModuleClient] No output will be shown while this task is running. Check the SystemOut.log for progress information.
— Exception Thrown —
/opt/IBM/WebSphere/PortalServer/wcm/prereq.wcm/config/includes/prereq.wcm_cfg.xml:3829: An exception occurred while executing the task: Header field ‘Set-Cookie’ is null. The login failed. Can not continue.

Solution – This is addressed in WCM APAR PM84880.

Issue #2 – If you have set the WCMConfigService property ‘connect.moduleconfig.syndication.inittasks’ to ‘false’ in order to disable automatic syndication, this property will be reset to ‘true’ after the CF4 installation completes.  

Note:  You can disable syndication by doing to each syndicator and disabling it there as opposed to setting this property

Solution – This is addressed in WCM APAR PM85264.  

Both PM84880 and PM85264 have been packaged into a single download.  You must apply it in conjunction with CF4 to avoid both of these issues:

– Add both CF4 and “” as repositories to IBM Installation Manager
– When prompted, select both for installation

This information is from TN1631948


Yesterday a costumer ask to update all servers because of this issue.

A URL manipulation security vulnerability has been found in the dojo module for WebSphere Portal versions 7.0.0.x and 8.0.

APAR PM64172 has been provided to address this issue.

 The apar is included in CF14 for WebSphere Portal v7.0.0.1 and v7.0.0.2, and is available as an interim fix for WebSphere Portal v8.

This is a critical problem. When i simulate the attack i got the administrator password from security.xml


When you run to modify Cognos Transfomer you get the error:

13/05/2013,14:04:46,Err,java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: JCAM_Crypto_JNI (/opt/ibm/Cognos/bin/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32), com.cognos.crconfig.CRConfigFrame.initDataManager(

The cause of this error was the JAVA_HOME pointing to the WebSphere JRE a 64 bit JRE.

Solution: Install 32 JAVA on the machine and point the JAVA_HOME to the 32bit  JRE


Support for Sametime integration with ST Links has been dropped in iNotes 9.0. For this release, only Sametime Web Client integration via a Sametime Proxy Server will be supported. This will be the default setting when a new Server Configuration doc is created.

For the 9.0 release of iNotes, administrators will need to select “Sametime Web Client Integration” in the Server Configuration Doc and complete all additional fields with the appropriate information. This configuration change requires the deployment of a Sametime 8.5.2 IFR1 (with the latest hot fix), Proxy Server in addition to the Sametime Community server.

From TN 1633405


This error was throw CLFRQ0221E: Reference to directory services could not be retrieved.

Take the following steps to resolve this issue:

1. Login to the ISC.
2. Navigate to Security -> Global Security -> Single sign-on (SSO).
3. If “Interoperability Mode” is enabled, then you must specify the case-sensitive default names of “LtpaToken” and “LtpaToken2” for the
“LTPA V1 cookie name” and “LTPA V2 cookie name” fields respectively.
4. Synchronize the nodes & restart Connections.

[*Please note that the Help tips for these fields contain the incorrect case of “LTPAToken” and “LTPAToken2”.
See screenshots:

Image:Unable to login to any applications after installing IBM Connections 4.5.

Image:Unable to login to any applications after installing IBM Connections 4.5.

This defect is documented in the following APAR, which is due to be fixed in WAS FixPack

The information is from TN 1635025


This setup must be done to avoid problems

Change the Default request and PORT size limitations in the Domino http server to a value appropriate for your installation. These changes can be made using the Domino Admin client to change the
following fields in the server document to a value more appropriate for your installation:

First setting:
Server document for the Traveler server–>Internet Protocols Tab–>HTTP Tab–>Http Protocol Limits section–>’Maximum Size of Request’ field (defaults to 10,000 Kilobytes)

Second Setting:
Server Document for the Traveler server–>Internet Protocols Tab–>Domino Web Engine Tab–>POST Data section–>’Maximum POST Data (in kilobytes) field (defaults to 10,000 kilobytes)

From TN1633155


From my inbox
IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced that for the fourth consecutive year, IDC ranked IBM number one in worldwide market share for enterprise social software.

Social networking adoption continues to soar as businesses look to transform their organization into a smarter enterprise that is capable of empowering a global workforce and transforming client experiences.

According to IDC, the worldwide enterprise social market segment reached 1.0 billion in 2012, representing growth of 25 percent over 2011.*

Please help us share this news with your networks. I have provided additional assets below, including Alistair Rennie’s blog on Social Business Insights which just went live and several client videos that are featured in the infographic and press release.  

This news is based on the just released IDC Worldwide Semiannual Software Tracker.

 IDC will publish an analysis at a later date – therefore there is no link to share to IDC today.  We will let you know as soon as that report is available.  
