Author: <span>Kenio Carvalho</span>

Information bellow from TN1437778

Many internet protocols are ascii based and can be accessed through a simple telnet connection. You may want to use telnet to troubleshoot many of these products so that you can remove a lot of the complexity.

HTTP connections
1.        Connect to the target server using telnet, specify the port for the web service.
telnet serverName port
2.        Once connected to the server type the following replacing the serverName with the website’s internet address:
GET / HTTP/1.1
host: serverName
3.        Press the Enter key twice.
4.        The output of the command will be some headers and the html of the page.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 18:49:01 GMT
Server: Apache
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.5
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: text/html


Web Server Admin
SSL connection
1.        Telnet into the server as an administrative user.
2.        Once connected, type the following, replacing the serverName with the website’s internet address.
openssl s_client -connect serverName:port -crlf

3.        The security handshake will scroll across the screen.
4.        Type the following, replacing the serverName with the website’s internet address.
GET / HTTP/1.1
host: serverName

5.        Press the Enter key twice.
6.        The output of the command will be some headers and the html of the page.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 18:49:01 GMT
Server: Apache
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.5
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: text/html


Web Server Admin

1.        Using telnet connect to the server on port 25.
telnet serverName 25
2.        Type the following lines replacing the email addresses as appropriate. The lines starting with a number are server responses and should not be entered. For a full list of SMTP commands refer to RFC 5321.
helo me

mail from:
250 Ok
rcpt to:
250 Ok

354 End data with .
Subject: Test from telnet

250 Ok: queued as 12E7F1AC09D
3.        When done use the ‘quit’ command to close the server connection.
1.        Using telnet connect to the server on port 110
telnet serverName 110
2.        Enter the following, replacing userName and password with the correct values. The lines starting with +OK and numbers are server responses. The response text may be different. For a full list of POP3 commands refer to RFC 1939.
user userName
+OK Name is a valid mailbox
pass password
+OK Mailbox locked and ready
+OK 1 758
+OK scan listing follows
1 758
retr 1
+OK Message follows
3.        When finished use the “quit” command to close the server connection.
IMAP Connections
1.        Using telnet connect to the server on port 143
telnet serverName 143
2.        Enter the following, replacing userName and password with the correct values. Each command line starts with a period (.) followed by a space and then the command. The lines starting with asterisks * and numbers are server responses. For a full list of IMAP commands refer to RFC 3501.
. login userName password
. OK User logged in
. list “” “*”    
* LIST (HasChildren) “/” “INBOX”
* LIST (HasNoChildren) “/” “INBOX/Spam”
. OK Completed (0.000 secs 3 calls)
. status inbox (messages)
. OK Completed
3.        When finished use the “. logout” command to disconnect from the server.


1. What is File Server roaming?
2. How does File server roaming differ from Domino server roaming?
3. How does an administrator configure (“upgrade”) a user to roam using a file server?
4. How does an administrator “downgrade” a user from file server roaming?

Each question is answered below:

1.  What is File Server roaming?

File server roaming is the ability to house a roaming user’s files on a standard file server instead of a Domino server.  This functionality has been requested by customers who have users who roam between multiple workstations but in a location without a  “local” Domino server.  

2.  How does File server roaming differ from Domino server roaming?

From the perspective of the end user:

  • The data that roams is the same for both file server and Domino server roaming users.  
  • However, when configured for file server roaming, a user’s Notes 8.5 client displays an additional panel in Preferences.  The Roaming preferences panel allows the user to temporarily enable or disable roaming. The significance of this setting is that it allows the user to remain a “roaming user” but choose whether the roaming-enabled applications actually replicate.
  • For more information on what data roams for users in Notes 8.5, refer to the technote titled “Summary of changes to Roaming User functionality in Notes and Domino 8.5”  << External Link Removed >>.

From the perspective of an administrator:

  • A significant difference with file server roaming is how users are configured for file server roaming.  All aspects of file server roaming are configured using a policy and the new Roaming settings document.  NOTE:  It is not possible to configure file server roaming using the either the Domino Administrator client upgrade tool or the “Enable roaming for this person” option during new user registration.
  • Additional considerations:
    • File server roaming is supported only with the Notes standard configuration.  For details, refer to the following Help topic:
    • File server roaming is available only for Notes 8.5 clients running on a Microsoft Windows 32-bit platform. Support for Linux and Mac OS X has been added in Notes 8.5.1.  For details, refer to the following Help topic:

3.  How does an Administrator configure (or “upgrade”) a user to roam using a file server?

As noted above, file server roaming is configured using policies and a Roaming settings document.

4.  How does an Administrator “downgrade” a user from file server roaming?

As noted above, file server roaming is “un” configured using policies.

Note:  File server roaming is supported with Notes 851 FP1 and above on 64-bit Windows 7.

Information above from TN 1329414


One of the most important part of the IBM Connections is the person profile.  

The full name of the person, in general, is stored on a corporate LDAP.   Last week i am in charge to populate the profiles database with photos, and a lot of data from LDAP.

The person attributes on the ldap , like SN, CN, Display name was in capital letters like FIRST NAME LAST NAME.  We don´t want this kind of display names,

The solution: Custon function before importing the users.

Copy this function to the file profiles_functions.js

function func_name (fieldname){
  //get attributes
  var nome      work.getAttribute(“givenName”);
  var sobrenome = work.getAttribute(“sn”);
  var fullname  = nome + ” ” + sobrenome;

  return properCase(fullname);

  function properCase(text) {
    var articles = [ ‘e’,’o’, ‘a’, ‘de’, ‘da’, ‘dos’, ‘das’]

    return map(text.split(/s+/), function(word) {
                                    return isArticle(word)?  word.toLowerCase()
                                    :      /* otherwise */   capitalise(word) })
           .join(‘ ‘)

    function map(xs, f) {
      var l = xs.length, r = new Array(xs.length)
      for (var i = 0; i < l; ++i) r[i] = f(xs[i])
      return r }

    function has(xs, x) {
      for (var i = 0; i < xs.length; ++i)
        if (xs[i] === x)  return true
      return false }

    function capitalise(word) {
      return word.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1).toLowerCase() }

    function isArticle(word) {
      return has(articles, word.toLowerCase()) }}

Change the attribute displayname on the file


Run the ./


Using Libraries in IBM Connections 4.5


My company has a contract with TIM. I don’t know if this company do in your country what it is doing here in Brazil.

Eight days ago my cell phone and all phones of my company stop to working. Internet and voice.

I can’t call anyone, i was on the road, in another, state without a cell phone.

The company TIM doesn’t care about our situation and told that the time to solve the problem was 5 days.

I am still without a cell phone.

If you will travel to Brazil, do not buy nothing with TIM, the worst cell phone company in the planet i think.


When you are installing the FixPack for cognos 10.1 (connections 4.5 ) maybe you see the error above if you want to use the graphical interface.

Reading archive information – /cognosfp1/linuxi38664h/setup.csp. Please wait…
Warning: Missing charsets in String to FontSet conversion
X Error of failed request:  BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter)
 Major opcode of failed request:  14 (X_GetGeometry)
 Resource id in failed request:  0x2
 Serial number of failed request:  305
 Current serial number in output stream:  305

Solution: Check if you have the following libraries on Suse 11
# zypper search openmotif

Loading repository data…
Reading installed packages…

S | Name                 | Summary                      | Type
i | openmotif            | Open Motif                   | package
i | openmotif-libs       | Open Motif Runtime Libraries | package
i | openmotif-libs-32bit | Open Motif Runtime Libraries | package


Experience the collective expertise shared at the 2013 Conference through this complimentary series of video recordings. Let these informative recordings be your educational starting point to help you deliver the promise of an exceptional web experience.


If your iNotes server is not using SSL, add the following parameter to your notes.ini file:


This information can be found in the Notes Domino wiki article Troubleshooting the Notes Browser Plug-in


I search for information on how to update the profiles photo from an ldap server. I found several information on how to use TDI to do a sort of imports on profiles.

I wrote this article on Connections Wiki like a How To


Next week,  I  will be the instructor for a class of new Domino Designers. They will start from the basics
