Domino does not have a code to notify administrators when users are deleted from names.nsf i need to know who deleted the user.
To solve this problem i wrote an agent to do the job.
Just put the code on database script inside the QueryDocumentDelete.
Sub Querydocumentdelete(Source As Notesuidatabase, Continue As Variant)
Dim docMemo As NotesDocument
Dim docsDelete As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim ses As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Set db = ses.currentdatabase
Set docMemo = New NotesDocument(db)
Set docsDelete = Source.Documents ‘ Selected documents
For x = 1 To docsDelete.count
Set doc = docsDelete.GetNthDocument( x )
If doc.form=”Person” Then
docMemo.SendTo = “Administrator/Acmel”
docMemo.subject = “Document delection”
Set rtbody = New NotesRichTextItem (docMemo, “Body”)
Call rtbody.AppendText (“Deleted by ” + ses.UserName + ” – “+ Cstr(doc.StartDateTime(0)) + ” – ” + doc.Subject(0) +” – User Name = ” + doc.FullName(0))
Call docMemo.Send(False)
End if
End Sub
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