Watson™ Explorer Natural Language Querying (NLQ) improves the user search experience by allowing the user to query Watson Explorer using natural language queries such as questions.
This is accomplished through the use of two components: Query Modifier, which modifies user queries before they are executed, and Ontolection Trainer, which provides machine learning tools that can generate ontolections for use in query expansion.
The setup process is not hard you can follow the instructions here.
But how to use it?
If you are using the REST API you must add this to your query:
On WEX applications (using projects) the process is a little different and not well documented. The Knowledge center only tell you about the macro and not were to put the macro.
Log on on the administration interface and go to your project and go to:
Project > Advanced > Misc > section “Other” > option “Query modification macro” > Set it to enhance-project-with-querymodifier
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