Since 1997 i work with Notes/Domino. In that time i receive every quarter a set of CD’s with the Lotus KB on it.
Things have changed for the better, LNN was launched and i was able to replicate the LotusKB on daily basis, no more CD’s, no more delays.
I start to work with WebSphere, Portal and other IBM products in 2005 and the support is only from “google” and the software manuals were called Infocenters.
IBM changed again, in my opinion, not for the best, several manuals are only on wikis.
A few years ago IBM changed again to the Knowledge Center. I think it is a better version of the old Infocenter.
Today i was reading some iformation about Watson and a alert show a message “On May 29 the Knowledge Center will change for a new version….”
More information here ->
Go to the new version (beta) ->
Thanks for sharing this update.
I appreciate the interface of the “beta” version, in my opinion it looks slick and clean