Cluster and Soft Deletions

I was “synchronizing” two clustered Domino Servers. I opened a PMR about  the trash folder is different on two replicas.  The answer:

When you create a new replica with soft deletions enabled, the soft deletions are not being carried over to the new replica.

Notes and Domino are working as designed. An enhancement request to include this functionality has been submitted to Quality Engineering; however, there are no current plans to implement this functionality.

Workaround used in one case to synchronize the trash folder.

Once that the new replica is being created, if new documents are deleted and sent to the trash folder, these new document do correctly replicate between the replicas and you can see them on the trash folder to the two replicas.

In one occasion this steps helped to synchronize the trash folder of the two replicas:

– Restored the document/s that are present on the trash folder on one of the replicas, therefore you can see the document/s on the Inbox of the database

– Replicate the two databases, the document/s are now present on the Inbox of the 2 replicas.

– Delete the document/s again from one of the replicas.

– Replicate again and now you can see the Trash folder synchronized in the two replicas containing the same number of documents

* If you only do the following, restore the document /s on the database where you have the documents in the trash folder ( you can see the document in the Inbox or this database) and delete them again, so the documents come back to the trash folder, and then you replicate, the trash folder does not get synchronized.

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