How to replace a corrupt database replica in a clustered Lotus Domino environment

From TN 1228354. This is the last option

  1. Ensure that the corrupt replica is not in use by any user or server.
    On the Domino server hosting the corrupted database, enter the following command: “dbcache flush” (command may require entering two or three time to release the database).
  2. Using operating system commands, delete the corrupt replica file.
  3. Using the Lotus Notes client, open the “good” replica located on the other clustered server.
  4. Create a new replica on the server where the “bad” replica was deleted.
    Select File -> Replication -> New Replica.
  5. Complete the replication.
  6. Stop the Cluster Directory task on the server where the new replica was created by running the console command “tell CLDBDIR quit”
  7. Restart Cluster Directory task by running the command “load CLDBDIR”
  8. Verify database replica is on clustered server: Open Cluster Directory database and select the view, Databases by Replica ID
  9. Verify that each replica copy of the same NSF file has the same Replica ID value.

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