From Notes Tips
We’ve had plenty of tips surrounding Recent Contacts, and it’s a highly talked-about area. In Notes 8.5.3, we’ve continued to improve how you can control Recent Contacts/type-ahead.
In the past, we made it easier to remove “incorrect” contacts from type-ahead, by letting you delete a contact from the right-click menu: But one problem with this method is that if you delete a contact from type-ahead in this way, they could be added back in automatically, if you send or receive more emails from them. But in Notes 8.5.3, the new method avoids that 🙂 Now, if you see an address that you do not want to appear in the Recent Contacts list, you can hide it by selecting the contact in the Recent Contacts view, and clicking the Hide in Typeahead button. Then, the address won’t appear in type-ahead again, unless you click Show in Typeahead |
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