Beware the fix CCF16 WebSphere Portal

From TN 1610553, but i was advised last week and it´s now public

After installing CCF16 user might experience incorrect encoding including but not limited to

Additional attributes for a link
Linking descriptions for a link
Linking text for a link
Link target: “Name” option for a link
Query string for a link
Alternate text for an image
Html name for an image
Additional attributes for an image

This affects inserting a link or image from within a rich text field as well as authoring link/image components and elements.
The incorrect encoding will primarily apply to the characters ‘, “, , < and >

PM72259 will resolve this issue. This should be installed on top of CCF16.
CCF17 will also resolve this issue. Until CCF17 is available, it is strongly recommended  that PM72259 be installed on top of CCF16 . Another less ideal option to avoid this behaviour is a downgrade to CCF15.

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