Portal Server V6.0.x migration to Portal Server V7.0.x

I’m working on a project to migrate the portal version.  The  portal server use a remote WCM.
We need to migrate a Portal Server environment and WCM environment.
There  is no path to migrate Portal Server V6.0 to Portal Server V7.0, only Express, Enable and Extend and this situation is not documented by IBM.
I opened a PMR and the lab told me to upgrade Portal Server V.6.0 using WCM 7.0 binaries.
If you didn´t know, in Portal V6, Portal and WCM was the same binaries and if you wish WCM after the setup process you run a command line to setup the wcm authoring interface, etc, etc.
Since Portal 6.1 the binaries of WCM and Portal is not the same, you need to download different images from passport advantage.

IBM forgot that some customers have Portal Server installed. Imagine if my client doesn´t have the WCM license….

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