We can hide the option “Change Internet Password” only for certain users by applying a policy.
Steps need to be performed are:
1) In Domino Administrator->goto->People &groups->Settings->Add
setting->Security setting
2) Give name to this setting
3) In Password Management tab->Password Management Basics-> “Allow users
to change Internet password over HTTP” ->Select “NO”.
4) Save and close.
5) Goto->Policies->Add Policy->Explicit policy
6) In Setting type->Security->Select the above created security setting.
7) Under Policy Assignment tab->Select the users from Domino directory
for whom you would like to hide the “Change Password” option.
8) Save and close.
9) On server console issue following command:
tell adminp process all
Once the policy gets applied, users will see the screen as below, for whom the option is hidden:
And users for whom the option is not hidden will see the screens as below:
From TN 1608944
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