Custom renderer for Combobox in read mode

The document in read mode opens like this bellow (I am using an Xpage to show the document content). In this Xpage i have one editbox and one combobox.

Image:Custom renderer for Combobox in read mode
If you open in edit mode you get this
Image:Custom renderer for Combobox in read mode
Se examinar o fonte da página veremos que o campo combobox foi renderizado como um texto e tabelas

Looking on the source of the page (document in read mode) the combobox field was rendered like a string  with a table

Image:Custom renderer for Combobox in read mode

Em modo edição o campo é renderizado como um elemento select:

The source of edit mode the combobox field was rendered as a select.

Image:Custom renderer for Combobox in read mode

The chalenge: Create a more consistent view of the combobox element when the document is open in read mode.

The Solution:

Attention ->   I don´t know if this is the best solution but it works.

I create a class to modify the rendering of the combo box a custom renderer (based on this blog post).
When the document is opened in edit mode the class render the input field and when in edit mode it render the combobox.

The custom renderer  code:

Image:Custom renderer for Combobox in read mode
When i open the document in read mode i get this:

Image:Custom renderer for Combobox in read mode

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