External collaboration is a new feature of Connections 5.
External user are any users “marked” or “selected” as a external.
External users can:
- Only see Files and Communites that he/she has given access to
- See people in the community and business card (limited to some information)
- Search, but no public data will be returned.
The process is not complicated. The key is how to mark or select external users on your ldap. The options are;
1 – Map standard LDAP attribute for external users
2 – Map standard LDAP attribute using JavaScript
3 – Use an LDAP branch to store external users.
I use the option 3 because on our LDAP external users are in another branch
I am using linux .
1 – First create another folder above /opt/IBM/TDI/V7.1.1 and copy the content of the TDISOL. I create with the nameTDISOLEXTERNAL
2- Edit map_dbrepos_from_source.properties and add a line
3 Edit profiles_tdi.properties and set the properties
4- Append a string to an external user´s display name in map_dbrepos_from_source.properties
5 – Run collect.dns and verify the list of users. Do not run sync_all_dns.sh or you will inactivate internal users!
6 – run populate_from_dn_file.sh
7 – Only internal users with the role EMPLOYEE_EXTENDED can share content with external users. Add the role to the users using wsadmin
ProfileService.setRole(“[email protected]”, EMPLOYEE_EXTENDED)
Now you can collaborate with external users.
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